
React Portfolio


My personalized portfolio developed using React. I enjoy the experience of creating web applications and having my ideas come to fruition. Listed below are a collection of web applications I have created and helped contribute to with fellow developers. I have used/implemented technologies such as those listed below.

Project List

Links to the projects listed below can be found in the “Portfolio” section. Each project is listed with either an image or gif as shown in the gif below.



Table 1: List of Projects with Brief Description and Technologies used.

Projects Description Technologies Used
Plant Ahead An app for the green-thumbs out there, allows users to sign-up and search for plants to add to gardening projects. Users may share input to their experience growing certain plants and view other User experiences with the community section of the application. React, JavaScript, Express, Bootstrap-React, React-Spring, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node-Fetch, Trefle
Game Kiwi Allows users to create accounts and browse a large selection of video games. Members have the ability to save games to their top-ten list and share with other users. Express, Express-Handlebars, Passport, and Sequelize
Recipe Roulette Expand your recipe collection. This app offers users the ability to search for new recipes and cuisines. HTML, CSS, 2 API’s
Fitness Tracker An app that lets users track their workouts. Mongoose, and Express
Devour That Burger Users inputs names of their favorite burgers. Each burger after submission is listed with a devour button which users click to devour burger. MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, ORM
Harry Potter Directory Application displays a list of harry potter characters upon loading. App allows users to search and filter for characters. Create-React-App
ReadMe Generator Allows users to create a ReadMe file through a series of questions from the command line. Inquirer, Node.js
Track That Budget Functional budget tracker with offline accessability. IndexedDb, Service-Worker, Progressive Web App
5-Day Forecast Display a live five day forecast from city of choice. HTML, CSS, OpenWeather API, Bootstrap
Team Generator An app that generates an HTML webpage displaying a Team member roster. Node.js, Inquirer, Jest
Random Password Generator Generates passwords based on user criteria. HTML, CSS

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